Meet the Team

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Bill Chrysler

Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI

Favorite thing in the Studio: ’65 Twin Reverb, U87, and of course, the SSL!

Guilty pleasure song: Tip of My Tongue - The Tubes


Joe Sturgill

Hometown: Grand Haven, MI

Favorite thing in the Studio: ’78 Fender P Bass, Maestro Rhythm King Mark 1

Guilty pleasure song: I Say A Little Prayer for You - Aretha Franklin


Binnie Chrysler

Hometown: Grand Haven, MI

Favorite thing in the Studio: The people in it! My studio family.

Guilty pleasure song: Every Teardrop is a Waterfall - Coldplay


Kevin Kozel

Hometown: Grand Haven, MI

Favorite thing in the Studio: SSL

Guilty pleasure song: Private Idaho - The B52s

Immanuel Aziz

Hometown: Cairo, Egypt

Favorite thing in the Studio: Neumann U87

Guilty pleasure song: Life is a Highway - Rascall Flatts


Raziel Castaneda

Hometown: Alexandria, VA

Favorite thing in the Studio: Studer A810

Guilty pleasure song: Take Me Home, Country Roads - John Denver