Sunshine, Spotlight, and lots of changes!
Wow. What a month it has been.
Since our last post we have welcomed a new social media intern to the team, held an album release party for Earth Radio, a new ice cream store opened up next door to us, and we’ve worked on numerous other projects so that we can continue to bring the music you are dreaming of, to life.
We want to make this blog a space to connect with YOU! Our goal is that we will be able to keep you up to date on the ins and outs of what is going on here, bounce some ideas and thoughts off of you, and show off what is on on our minds, and most importantly foster community. Thank you for helping to make our dreams a reality!
Additionally, since it feels like everyone is just starting to come out of winter hibernation, we thought that now is the perfect time to spotlight some of the amazingly talented humans that make Third Coast what it is: A place that inspires growth, creativity, and community through music. So with that, over the next few weeks our own Katlin Merby, is going to be spotlighting a few of them. First up is Andy Frisinger.
Andy Frisinger: Art with heart on display
Andy Frisinger is new to having his art on display and is excited to have his pieces at the downtown Grand Haven brewery, The Armory.
“I didn’t grow up doing art, I just kind of got into it” Andy said.
While at Grand Valley completing a Biomedical degree, Andy Frisinger decided to take a watercolor painting class at Kalamazoo community college over the Summer. Since then he has found painting to be a stress reliever and continues to do it today.
Andy is primarily a musician and is most prominently known for his saxophone playing skills. He began playing the sax in grade school and has been playing with the staff at Third Coast for about 8 years. They generally play at weddings together.
“There is a connection between all art. There’s definitely a connection between the artists I like and my subject material for my paintings,” Andy said.
A few of his favorite musicians that he has created paintings of include Prince, Stevie Wonder, Foo Fighters, and members of the Beatles. When it comes to painting these musical influences, his goal is to recreate the picture he is using as reference to the best of his ability.
The only type of paint Andy uses in his pictures is watercolor because that is the only type of paint that was used in his class in college. With the exception of the paintings that are of Prince, which are purple, the color he primarily uses is indigo.
His pieces that are on display do not have a theme. A combination of new and older pieces of his are available to purchase. When a piece is purchased, he paints a new one.
A piece that Andy is particularly proud of is his rendition of Dexter Gordon. Be sure to view it if you can. His art will be on display at the armory until June 12th.