Thank Goodness it is Friday!

Hey there everyone!

We are amazed at how we have been able to stay open and running during construction. By shifting our sessions from Control Room A to Control Room B we have had sessions almost daily and mixing going on in between this all. The construction in Control Room A is going very well and we cannot wait for it to be back open and better than ever.

The Chrysler’s are doing well, Bill is recovering well after his last run with Maroon 5. He has been busy overseeing construction, helping to do maintenance on the SSL, getting ready for the Summer Sessions Waterftont Concert Series show on July 1, and spending about 5 minutes every sunny day sitting on his deck and trying to take a breath. Binnie is working hard on everything and keeping us going (mostly on getting Bill a couple of very much needed days off). Ruby Tuesday is thriving as always, she loves the summer because it means she gets to play in Lake Michigan.

We have decided not to do a spotlight on a person this week but rather on something amazing…

The Summer Sessions Waterfront Concert Series!

We could not be any more excited and thrilled that we get to be a part of this. Bringing music on this scale into Grand Haven and to the Waterfont is something that we are passionate about. The first show is this coming Monday, July 1, at 7 PM. Any way that we can help to bring both music and bring the community together is something that we want to do, and now that is becoming a reality! Tickets are available at and this is not something that you want to miss. This is literally history in the making! The first concert of this size at this venue is something to get excited to be involved in! Tickets will be available day of but the ease of buying them online makes it totally worth it to get them ahead of time. Please help us make this the wonderful thing it has the potential to be.

Thank you again for everything you do to make our dreams a reality and bring music to our West Michigan.
